Live Feed
Here's the top goals from last night - Swipe to see all 10!
1) @abbeyy18murphyy of @gopherwhockey
2) @mikevanunen4 of @nmu_hockey
3) @g.brindley4 from @adamfantilli of @umichhockey
4) @aidan_thompson of @du_hockey
5) @carter.loney of from @kyle_bettens @umdmenshockey
6) @jackson8blake from @louis.jamernik of @undmhockey
7) @john_mittelstadt from @ryanchesley of @gophermhockey
8) @ondrejpavel_ from @jakeliv99 of @minnstmhockey
9) @collin.graf from @meeeetsa of @qu_mih
10) @nickzabaneh from @dylanpetersonn of @terrierhockey
#ECH #collegehockey #top10 #goals #highlights #sportscenter #playoffhockey

Save of the night ✅ @gustavsdavisgrigals
UMass Lowell advances to the @hockey_east Semifinals at TD Garden!
🎥: @riverhawkhockey l @espn
#ECH #collegehockey #goalie #save #umasslowell #riverhawks #playoffhockey
Final scores tonight!
Which game(s) stood out most?
#ECH #collegehockey #saturdaynight #playoffhockey
4 Playoff OT winners tonight - Swipe to see them all!
Presented by: @takeprofittrader
Learn how to trade the market using their capital! They take the risk, you take the profits. Click the link in Bio to get a free gift from TPT!
1) @matthewgleason15 from @patrickcozzi11 & @logan.will10 of @coloradocollegetigerhockey
2) @lijgons16 from @caleb_moretz of @ritmhky
3) @bradyberardd from @guillaume_richard4 of @friarshockey
4) @mgmess from @ryanleibold16 of @merrimackmih
#ECH #collegehockey #overtime #winners #playoffhockey
The Women's @ncaaicehockey Frozen Four is SET - Swipe to see the highlights from the quarterfinals!
Who's winning it all? Comment below!
#ECH #collegehockey #womenshockey #frozenfour #duluth #ncaatournament #girlshockey #growthegame

POV: Watching @gopherwhockey head to the FROZEN FOUR!!!
#gophers #minnesota #frozenfour #hockey #collegehockey #goal #celly #wcha #college #ncaatournament #win
Here's the top goals from last night - Swipe to see all 10!
1) @marek.hejduk_22 from @henrythrun
2) @liam_mclinskey of @hcrossmhockey
3) @jack.devine7 from @mikebenning_ and @aidan_thompson of @du_hockey
4) @micah.miller_ from @o_trejbal and @aidan_spellacy of @scsumhockey
5) @logan.will10 from @ethanstraky of @coloradocollegetigerhockey
6) @iivarirasanen from @collin.graf of @qu_mih
7) @gabrielseger from @daltonbancroft24 of @cornellmhockey
8) @riesegaber of @undmhockey
9) @davispennington from @jack_guevin of @omahahky
10) @danielpanetta1212 of @slumenshockey
#ECH #collegehockey #highlights #top10 #fridaynight #playoffhockey
Two Playoff OT Winners last night - Swipe to them both!
Presented by: @takeprofittrader
Learn how to trade the market using their capital! They take the risk, you take the profits. Click the link in Bio to get a free gift from TPT!
1) @liam_mclinskey of @hcrossmhockey
2) @coltonyoung12 from @ross_mitton of @colgate_mih
#ECH #collegehockey #overtime #winner #hockey #playoffhockey #tpt

College Hockey GameDay Video @mtu_hockey OUT NOW!!! Head to our YouTube and subscribe!
Link to video in our story!
@mtu_hockey host NMU tonight in the @cchahockey semifinals at 6:07 ET
#michigantech #ccha #gameday #ech #tour #hockeyrink #hockey #ncaa #nhl #behindthescenes #hockeyplayer

Confirmed - @fanti29 still has that DOG in him 😤
🎥: @fwkomets l @umdmenshockey
#ECH #collegehockey #goalie #fight #umd #bulldogs #nails #goodnight